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3 min read
Fenêtres sur l'âme
By Akeem Brown, National Client Relationship Coordinator, Wellness Works Canada Eyes are the windows to the soul. Windows, lights and...

3 min read
By Akeem Brown, National Client Relationship Coordinator, Wellness Works Canada Biophilla Definition: A hypothetical human tendency to...

4 min lire
Wellness for All: Shifting Towards a More Accessible Workplace
By Alli Dettling, WHPA, National Client Relationship Coordinator, Wellness Works Canada Wellness strategies can increase the health and...

3 min read
Thérapie de détail
Written by Akeem Brown, WHPA, National Client Relationship Coordinator, Wellness Works Canada Basic Retail Amenities are no longer...

2 min lire
C'est normal de se sentir vert et bleu
Written by Akeem Brown, National Client Relationship Coordinator, Wellness Works Canada Who would’ve thought you can engineer happiness?...

4 min lire
Prioritize Tasks: Shaping Your New Normal
Guest blog submitted by Dr. Thomas Barker, Professor, Faculty of Extension University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB Canada and Principal...

4 min lire
Conseils rapides pour favoriser la santé mentale sur le lieu de travail
Guest Blog Submitted by Brandy Payne, Workplace Mental Health Consultant Late last year, I wrote a post on Linked In about Workplace...

6 min read
Healthy Organizational Responses to the Coronavirus Pandemic
Blog submitted by Graham Lowe, Organizational consultant, author and speaker. The original post can be found here. I begin the revised...

4 min lire
Conseils pour soutenir la santé et la performance des employés dans le cadre du COVID-19
There have been two notable global pandemics in the last century. The first was the 1918 Spanish Flue (H1N1) and the swine flu (also an...

4 min lire
A Tale of Two Workplaces: Why Organizational Culture Matters
Submitted by Ruthann Weeks, CIRS, Founder, Harmony in the Workplace What’s the difference between a workplace that “works” and one that...

4 min lire
Employee Flexibility: Benefits and Practical Implications
The trend for employers to offer telecommuting (work-from-home) options and flexible work schedules is on the rise. Recently a Gallup...

4 min lire
Comment mettre en œuvre la pleine conscience au travail
Submitted by Bonnie Kowaliuk, BA, BMT, MBA, MTA, RSW , Senses Mindfulness Coaching Mindfulness at work is a popular trend that businesses...

2 min lire
Changeons de paradigme pour renforcer la productivité grâce au bien-être.
We all want to be healthy and productive. Right? Well, maybe some of us enjoy being healthy more than being productive. But if you’re...

4 min lire
Décodage de la norme de santé et de sécurité psychologiques
Many provinces and territories have new or existing legislation making physical, psychological and social health of employees both a duty...

4 min lire
Tirer parti de la perturbation numérique pour améliorer le bien-être et la performance sur le lieu de travail
Contributors: Victoria Grainger, Founder, Wellness Works Canada Digital disruption is all around us. It is an amazing time to be alive...

2 min lire
How to Ensure Your Benefit Plan Impacts Employee Well-being and Productivity
Contributors: Earl Shindruk, Optimax Benefits, and Victoria Grainger, Founder, Wellness Works Canada Employee well-being strategies and...

3 min read
Remettre le H dans la SST
Contributors: Victoria Grainger, Founder, Wellness Works Canada Occupational Health and Safety is evolving. Legislation is changing....

2 min lire
Santé mentale et productivité
Écrit par Lori Schmidt et Victoria Grainger

3 min read
Simplifier l'évaluation de votre stratégie de bien-être au travail
Most employers appreciate that investing in workplace health can support employee engagement and productivity yet most (77%) of employers...

2 min lire
Workplace Health Impacts National Productivity
Canada ranks 13th in the world for our productivity and 30th for our health care system. Aside from a lack of streamlined and coordinated...
Articles: Blog2
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